Business Name

How the Right Business Name Can Transform Your Brand

The right business name. 20 years ago, the founder of VIQAN sat in his basement, envisioning the start of his own company. He was already selling parts for construction equipment, but there was something that consumed his thoughts even more than the products—what business name would he give his company.

After much contemplation, inspiration struck. He combined ‘VI’ for vision, and ‘QAN,’ inspired by the movie Jerry Maguire where Cuba Gooding Jr. said, “It’s not just about the money, it’s about everything—the QAN.” And so, VIQAN was born.

The business grew over the years, weathering ups and downs. But there was always one issue that gnawed at the founder—the business name, VIQAN. It was hard to pronounce, difficult to spell, and, worst of all, had no connection to what the company actually did—selling construction equipment parts, rubber tracks, and steel tracks.

The final straw came when a customer admitted, “I feel stupid saying VIQAN.” The Right Business Name

It took 19 years, but the founder finally decided to do something about it. He spent countless nights Googling industry terms and product variations, searching for a name that made sense. Then, out of the vast internet, appeared—perfectly matching a key product he sold.

There was just one problem: the domain was priced at a hefty $5,000.

After some negotiation, the seller wouldn’t budge. But deep down, the founder knew $5,000 was a steal for a domain that could truly represent his brand. So, he took the leap and bought it.

Within one month, traffic surged to his site. People searching for ‘steel tracks’ were now finding, not a difficult-to-pronounce name. And in that first month alone, the founder made back his $5,000 investment.

Now, he proudly tells customers, “Just visit”

The lesson? Choosing the right business name is more than just a clever idea. It can make or break your brand’s visibility, credibility, and success.

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